Sign-Up and Login


The security of your data and your account is our highest priority. Going forward, all new and existing accounts will be requested to follow the guidelines of the Smaato Password Policy. Please see the below details for signing-up and/or resetting a password.

If you have any issues or questions regarding the sign-up/login process of SPX, please contact Smaato Customer Support

Password Policy

For increased security, we request that all passwords include the following details:

  1. Password must contain a lowercase letter
  2. Password must contain an uppercase letter
  3. Password must contain a special character
  4. Password must contain a number
  5. Password must contain at least 8 characters

Sign-Up Process

When signing up for an SPX account you will need to provide an account email and a password. Immediately after clicking ’sign-up,’ a verification email will be sent to your inbox. Please note that you need to keep the sign-up page open while you are clicking the verification link in your email as you will then need to click on the ‘continue‘ button. Once confirmed, you will then be asked to provide your account metadata such as company name, username, and all other account details.

Forgot/Reset Passwords

If your password does not meet Smaato’s new password policy, you will be asked to reset your password accordingly. After clicking on ‘Forgot password?’ you will then be asked to provide your account email. Enter your account email and click the ‘Submit‘ button. A verification code will then be sent to your inbox from Smaato. With the login page open, copy the ‘reset code from the email into the Code field of the reset password form. Then create a new password under the guidelines provided. Once you have reset your password you will then be able to process to the normal ‘login’ flow.

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Last Modified: November 25, 2021 at 3:31 pm