Impression Tracking
What is an ad impression?
An impression is an event that signals the successful delivery and presentation of an ad to a user.
How does Smaato count an ad impression?
An impression is reported to Smaato when the ad was successfully served to a device and rendered.
How are impressions executed for video formats?
Smaato places its impression tracking URL inside the “<Impression>” section of the VAST XML markup. Impressions are reported to Smaato after the video ad has finished buffering and has started to play.
When are impressions counted for pre-cached ads?
Publishers are allowed to pre-cache in order to achieve a better user experience. A pre-cached ad is not reported as an impression to Smaato. An impression is only triggered when an ad container with a pre-cached ad is presented to a user. This method is especially popular for interstitial ad formats.
What is the timeout for ad impressions?
Usually, an ad impression URL is executed within a few seconds. However, in the case of ad pre-caching, it may take up to four minutes. In rare cases, video format win notifications can be executed within 30 minutes.
Can demand partners deliver their own impression tracking pixels?
Yes. There are different approaches for each particular ad format:
Impression tracking for image/RichMedia ads
The recommended way to include impression tracking URLs is via the “<beacons>” section of the Smaato XML Ad Wrapper. This is delivered inside of the “adm” of the bid response.
Impression tracking for VAST ads
Each impression tracking pixel should be wrapped in the <Impression> section. The pixel URL will be triggered after the video ad has finished buffering and is starting to play.
Impression tracking for native ads
Impression tracking pixels for native ads should be included in the imptrackers attribute of the native markup response object. For more information, please refer to IAB’s native guidelines.
What macros can be included in the impression tracking URL?
All macros that are supported by the IAB OpenRTB Specification. Please refer to the IAB’s section 4.4 Substitution Macros.
Win Notifications
What is a win notification?
A win notification is an event that signals that a DSP has won an auction and an impression has occurred. Win notifications are used as a billing event to report spend to a DSP.
How is a win notification executed?
Win notifications are executed using a server-to-server GET request to a URL, which is provided in the nurl field of the bid response.
When should demand partners expect a win notification?
Win notifications are aligned with Smaato’s impression event. Usually, a win notification is executed within a few seconds. However, in case of ad pre-caching, it may take up to four minutes. In rare cases, video format win notifications can be executed within 30 minutes.
How should demand partners respond to a win notification call?
Smaato accepts 200 OK HTTP Status response with an empty body.
What will happen if a demand partner’s server responds with an error or time out?
Smaato will try to resend the win notification up to three times.
What macros can be included in the win notification URL?
All macros that are supported by the IAB OpenRTB Specification. Please refer to the IAB’s section 4.4 Substitution Macros:
Last Modified: November 29, 2021 at 2:08 pm