Multi-Ad-Format (DSPs)

Introduction to the Interstitial Multi-Ad-Format

The Interstitial (Multi-Ad-Format) feature in SPX allows Smaato to communicate to DSP partners all of the supported ad formats and ad sizes included in the same ad impression opportunity. This feature is only relevant for full-screen interstitial ad spaces that can deliver either interstitial ‘banners’ (image/rich media) or interstitial ‘video’.

We have provided you with three different options in order to activate Multi-Ad-Format. The following descriptions and sample bid requests have been used to demonstrate how to support the Multi-Ad-Format bid requests. There are three options for supporting a Multi-Ad-Format bid request, options include Multi-Ad Object, Multi-Impression Objects, and Parallel Bid Requests.

Follow this information guide for proper setup and support for the Multi-Ad-Format feature.

Option 1: Multi-Ad Object

For this option, the same bid request can be used for the same impression object, basically one banner object and one video object.

  • For the banner object (image/rich media) portrait and landscape sizes are available.
  • For the video object, landscape and portrait are available depending on the orientation of the adspace as set by the Publisher.

Same Bid Request:

"imp" : [ {
  "banner" : {
    "battr" : [ 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 ],
    "btype" : [ 1 ],
    "format" : [ {
      "h" : 480,
      "w" : 320
    }, {
      "h" : 320,
      "w" : 480
    } ],
    "h" : 480,
    "mimes" : [ "text/javascript", "application/javascript", "image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/gif" ],
    "pos" : 0,
    "w" : 320
  "video" : {
    "api" : [ 3, 1 ],
    "battr" : [ 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 ],
    "companionad" : [ {
      "h" : 100,
      "w" : 100
    }, {
      "h" : 400,
      "w" : 200
    } ],
    "companiontype" : [ 1, 2 ],
    "h" : 480,
    "linearity" : 1,
    "maxbitrate" : 4000,
    "maxduration" : 60,
    "mimes" : [ "video/3gpp", "video/mov", "video/mp4", "video/mpv" ],
    "minbitrate" : 250,
    "minduration" : 5,
    "pos" : 0,
    "skip" : 1,
    "w" : 320
} ],

Option 2: Multi-Impression Objects

For this option, Smaato will send to the demand partner one bid request included with two impression objects.

  • In the first impression object: Smaato will include an interstitial ‘banner’ object (image/rich media) with different ad sizes included in the format objects (portrait and landscape).
  • In the second impression object: Smaato will include a description of a video object with a landscape (i.e. 480×320) or portrait (i.e. 320×480) orientation of the adspace as set by the publisher.

Sample Bid Request:

"imp": [
    "displaymanager": "SOMA",
    "ext": {},
    "id": "1",
    "instl": 0,
    "secure": 0,
    "tagid": "3119",
    "video": {
      "api": [
      "companionad": [
          "h": 100,
          "w": 100
          "h": 400,
          "w": 200
      "companiontype": [
      "h": 480,
      "linearity": 1,
      "maxbitrate": 4000,
      "maxduration": 60,
      "mimes": [
      "minbitrate": 250,
      "minduration": 5,
      "pos": 0,
      "skip": 1,
      "w": 320
    "banner": {
      "btype": [
      "format": [
          "h": 480,
          "w": 320
          "h": 320,
          "w": 480
      "h": 480,
      "mimes": [
      "pos": 0,
      "w": 320
    "displaymanager": "SOMA",
    "ext": {
      "strictbannersize": 1
    "id": "2",
    "instl": 0,
    "secure": 0,
    "tagid": "3119"

Option 3: Parallel Bid Requests (Multi-Bid)

Using this option, Smaato will send two different bid requests including one request for interstitial ‘banner’ (image/rich media) and one request for interstitial ‘video’.

  • Landscape or portrait sizes will be available for both image/rich media and video depending on the orientation of the adspace as set by the publisher.
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Last Modified: November 29, 2021 at 2:08 pm