Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
What Is SSL?
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a security technology that establishes a secure connection between a client and a server.
How Can Demand Partners Recognize SSL-Compliant Inventory in The Bid Stream?
The bid request will contain “” set to 1
How Should Demand Partners Adapt Creative Ad Markups to Support SSL?
All creative assets inside of the creative markup should be loaded only via secure URLs, which start with “https://”.
What Will Happen If Creatives Aren’t Adapted To Support SSL?
Such creatives will be served to users, but won’t be rendered according to the HTTP Strict Transport Security Policy. This can cause impression and revenue discrepancies between Smaato and the demand partner.
How Should Demand Partners Adapt Their Servers to Support SSL?
If SSL is not available, the demand partner needs to purchase and install SSL certificates on their servers that are responsible for the delivery of creative assets (URLs used inside of the ad markup). SSL certificates should be available for all subdomains of the server’s domain name. If multiple subdomains are available, a wildcard SSL certificate can be used.
Should Bid Request and Win Notification Endpoints Support SSL?
This is not required. Bid request and win notification calls are executed from Smaato servers and are completely separate from SSL-compliant inventory.
Example 1 – Secure Bid Request
"allimps": 0,
"app": {
"bundle": "569111111",
"cat": ["IAB9"],
"id": "120108899",
"name": "Demo_App_VAST_iOSCustom_320x480_$0.50_iOS_IAB_FULL_SCREEN_320x480_IAB9",
"publisher": {
"id": "1110036893",
"name": "Demo Publisher"
"storeurl": ""
"at": 2,
"badv": [“”,””,”heywire.come”],
"bcat": ["IAB17-18", "IAB7-42", "IAB23", "IAB7-28"],
"device": {
"carrier": "unknown - probably WLAN",
"connectiontype": 0,
"devicetype": 1,
"geo": {
"city": "Pacifica",
"country": "USA",
"ipservice": 3,
"lat": 37.601,
"lon": -122.4545,
"metro": "807",
"region": "CA",
"type": 1,
"zip": "04044"
"ifa": "136B3A2D-AE09-4451-812A-9BDC1E7EC1CE",
"ip": "",
"js": 0,
"lmt": 0,
"make": "Apple",
"model": "iPhone",
"os": "iOS",
"osv": "11.1",
"ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_1_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.3.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15B202"
"ext": {
"carriername": "unknown - probably WLAN",
"operaminibrowser": 0,
"udi": {
"googlednt": 0,
"idfa": "136B3A2D-AE08-4451-812A-9BDC1E7EC1CE",
"idfatracking": 1
"id": "e2391b23-2023-48f0-a436-a647554153cd",
"imp": [{
"displaymanager": "SOMA",
"ext": {
"strictbannersize": 1
"id": "1",
"instl": 1,
"secure": 1,
"tagid": "130347451",
"video": {
"battr": [1, 3, 5, 8, 9],
"h": 480,
"linearity": 1,
"maxbitrate": 4000,
"maxduration": 60,
"mimes": ["video/3gpp", "video/mov", "video/mp4", "video/mpv"],
"minbitrate": 250,
"minduration": 5,
"pos": 0,
"protocols": [2, 5],
"w": 320
"regs": {
"coppa": 0
"user": {
"yob": 1993
Example 2 – Secure Bide Request
"app": {
"bundle": "315711111",
"cat": ["IAB1"],
"id": "130027022",
"name": "Demo_App_iOS_320x50_iOS_XXLARGE_320x50_IAB1",
"publisher": {
"id": "111005046",
"name": "Demo Publisher"
"at": 2,
"badv": [“”,””,”heywire.come”],
"bcat": ["IAB17-18", "IAB7-42", "IAB23", "IAB15-1", "IAB14-1", "IAB7-39", "IAB7-28", "IAB26", "IAB7-44", "IAB25", "IAB24", "IAB9-9"],
"device": {
"connectiontype": 0,
"devicetype": 1,
"dnt": 0,
"geo": {
"city": "Onward",
"country": "USA",
"lat": 40.672021,
"lon": -86.150867,
"metro": "527",
"region": "IN",
"type": 1,
"zip": "46970"
"ifa": "64EF7E03-9709-479F-8B15-B39288C244E8",
"ip": "",
"js": 1,
"make": "Apple",
"model": "iPhone",
"os": "iOS",
"osv": "10.3",
"ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_3_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/603.3.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/14G60"
"ext": {
"carriername": "unknown - probably WLAN",
"operaminibrowser": 0,
"udi": {
"googlednt": 0,
"idfa": "64EF7E02-9709-479F-8B15-B39288C244E8",
"idfatracking": 1
"id": "b2dbc02c-a42e-4413-830b-c2d6bc128736",
"imp": [{
"banner": {
"battr": [1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9],
"btype": [1],
"h": 50,
"mimes": ["text/javascript", "application/javascript", "image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/gif"],
"pos": 0,
"w": 320
"displaymanager": "SOMA",
"ext": {
"strictbannersize": 0
"id": "1",
"instl": 0,
"secure": 0,
"tagid": "131027022"
"regs": {
"coppa": 0
"user": {
"gender": "F",
"yob": 1992
Last Modified: November 29, 2021 at 2:06 pm