Getting Started with Deal Portal
The guide provides a step-by-step guide to navigate and use the Verve’s Deal Portal application efficiently. The guide will cover essential features such as switching accounts, managing deals, creating new deals, and configuring deals with proper settings. The guide will cover the following seven main sections:
Section Name | Description |
Getting Started | The Getting Started section serves as an essential introduction for new users of the Deal Portal application. This section will guide you through the initial steps required to set up your account, log in to the Deal Portal, access your dashboard, manage your account, and configure user settings. For more information, see the Getting Started section. |
Creating a Deal | The Creating a Deal section provides detailed guidance on how to navigate the Create Deal page and the workflow for creating new deals within the Deal Portal. This section will walk you through each step of the deal creation process, ensuring you understand all necessary parameters and options. For more information, see the Creating a Deal section. |
Setting Deal Targeting | The Setting Deal Targeting section provides a detailed guide on managing targeting options within the Deal Portal’s Edit Deal page, covering various parameters such as ad format, device types, geography, audience segments, inventory, video signals, and performance metrics to optimize ad campaigns. Each section includes step-by-step instructions for setting up and customizing these targeting options to ensure ads reach the desired audience effectively. For more information, see the Setting Deal Targeting section. |
Summary | The Summary section provides the Summary section of a deal setup process, detailing how it consolidates deal and targeting settings, including deal type, pricing, audience targeting, and saving options, to ensure correct configuration before finalizing the deal. For more information, see the Summary section. |
Editing a Deal | The Editing a Deal section provides detailed guidance on how to navigate the Edit Deal page and the workflow for editing a deal within the Deal Portal. This section will walk you through the step of the deal edit process, ensuring you understand all necessary parameter and option you can review and update after the creation of deal. For more information, see the Editing a Deal section. |
Appendix | The Appendix section provides a glossary of terms related to the Verve Marketplace and provides various bulk upload templates for managing deals based on zip codes, geo-fencing, bundles, apps, ad spaces, and OTT/ad breaks, each requiring specific information to be filled out before uploading to the Deal Portal. For more information, see the Appendix section. |
Getting Started
The section will guide you through the initial steps needed to start working with a Deal Portal application.
Here is what this section covers:
- Registering your User Account
- Logging into the Deal Portal
- Accessing your Deal Portal Dashboard
- Managing your Account Profile
Registering your User Account
Logging into the Deal Portal
To access the Deal Portal, you must have registered user account. If you don’t have a one, please contact your designated account manager. For more information on account setup and access, see the Registering your User Account section.
Once you have a registered user account, follow these steps to log in to the Deal Portal:
- Launch your web browser and navigate to the following URL:
- On the login page, enter your verve registered email address and password.
- After entering your credentials, click the Sign in button. You will be redirected to the Deal Portal Dashboard page.
- If you have forgotten your password, click Forgot your password? link on the login page. Follow the instructions sent to your email address to reset your password.
- If you do not have an account, click Sign up at the bottom of the login page. To request a new user account, please contact your designated account manager.
Accessing your Deal Portal Dashboard
The Dashboard page provides you a comprehensive workspace to view all active and inactive deals associated with your buyer account, allowing you to create, view, and edit deals.
Navigating your Dashboard
Below is a detailed breakdown of Dashboard’s key features and components.
Left-hand Navigation menu
The left-hand sidebar contains the navigation menu, which includes options like My Deals, Reporting, and Deal Troubleshooting. This menu allows you to quickly access different sections of the dashboard.
- My Deals: The My Deals menu provides access to the default Dashboard page, where you can view and manage your deals. For more details, see the Dashboard Header and Deal Table section.
- Reporting: The Reporting menu provides access to the Reporting page, where you can customize and run reports. For example, you can filter reports based on options such as Advertiser, DSP, Deal Name/ID, Trafficker/Ad Ops, Sales Person, and Date Range.
- Deal Troubleshooting: The Deal Troubleshooting menu provides access to the Deal Troubleshooting page, where you can use the search functionality to select the deal you wish to troubleshoot, see the Deal Troubleshooting section.
Dashboard Header
The header of the Dashboard includes the following sections:
- User Account Profile: This option is available at the top right corner of the dashboard, providing access to switch accounts, documentation, user settings, and sign out options. For more information, see the Managing your Account Profile section.
- Create New Deal: This button is available on the right side of the dashboard, allowing you to create new deals. Clicking on this button will open the Create Deal page, where you can enter required details like deal name and DSP for creating a deal. For more information, see the Creating a Deal section.
- Bulk Action: The Bulk Action is available below the Create New Deal button, allowing you to perform action on multiple selected deals simultaneously. To use it, first select the deals by clicking Select All or Deselect All at the top of the deal table. Once deals are selected, you can apply Bulk Action options to start or stop them. For more information, see the Bulk Action section.
- Deal Search and Filter:
The Search Your Deal search box is available at the left-hand side of the dashboard, allowing you to quickly search your specific deals. You can refine your view of the deals by using the following options:- Search Your Deals: Search for deal details using the Deal Name, Deal Id, Buyer Account Name, Advertiser Name, Seat Name, DSP, or Created By in the search textbox.
- Deal Filter:
The Deal Filter is available below the Search Your Deal search box, allowing you to quickly filter deals based on their status.- Status Filter: Use this option to filter deals based on their status, such as All, Running, or Paused.
- Select All/Deselect All: Use this option to select or deselect all deals simultaneously. Once selected, you can perform bulk actions, such as running or pausing the selected deals, using the options available under Bulk Action.
Bulk Action
The Bulk Action feature updates the status of multiple deals simultaneously. You can run and pause all selected deals with a few simple steps.
Running Multiple Deals
To run multiple deals, follow these steps:
- From the Deal Filter dropdown, click Paused.
- All the deals with Paused status are displayed.
- Click Select All to select all paused deals. Alternatively, you can deselect all paused deals.
- In the Bulk Action option, click the icon to run all selected paused deals.
- A confirmation box appears. Click OK to run the deals or Cancel to discard the action.
- Once confirmed, the status of selected deals is changed to Running. A confirmation message appears on the top-right side of the Deal Dashboard page, confirming that all selected deals were started.
Pausing Multiple Deals
To pause multiple deals, follow these steps:
- From the Deal Filter dropdown arrow, click Running.
- All the deals with Running status are displayed.
- Click Select All to select all deals. Alternatively, you can deselect all deals.
- In the Bulk Action menu, click the icon to pause multiple running deals.
- A confirmation box appears. Click OK to pause the deals or Cancel to discard the action.
- Once confirmed, the status of selected deals is changed to Paused in the deal table.
Deal Table
The Deal Table is located at the center of the Dashboard and displays an overview of all your deals in a tabular format. It provides information about the deal:
Deal Field | Description |
Deal Name | The name of the deal. |
Deal ID | A unique identifier assigned to each deal. |
Status | The current status of the deal (Running, Paused or All). |
Buyer Account Name | The name of the buyer associated with the deal. |
Advertiser | The name of the advertiser associated with the deal. |
Seat Name | Displays the seat name used in the bidding process. |
Start Date | The start date of the deal. |
End Date | The end date of the deal. |
eCPM (Effective Cost Per Mile) | Represents the effective average cost per thousand impressions earned by the deal |
Spend | The total spend associated with the deal up to the current date. |
DSP (Demand-Side Platform) | The platform responsible for executing the deal. |
Creation Date | The date on which deal was created. |
Created By | The user who created the deal. |
Actions | Allowing you to run, pause, edit or troubleshoot the deal. |
You can use the Actions feature to manage various options for deals, such as:
- Run a deal
- Pause a deal
- Edit a deal settings
- Troubleshoot a deal
Running a Deal
To run a paused deal, follow these steps:
- From the Deal Filter dropdown arrow, click Paused.
- All the deals with Paused status are displayed.
- In the Actions column, click the icon to run a deal.
- A confirmation box appears. Click OK to start a deal or Cancel to discard the action.
- Once confirmed, the deal’s status is changed to Running. A notification message appears at the top-right corner of the Deal Dashboard page, confirming that your deal was successfully started.
Pausing a Deal
To pause a running deal, follow these steps:
- From the Deal Filter dropdown arrow, click Running.
- All the deals with Running status are displayed.
- In the Actions column, click the icon to pause a deal.
- A confirmation box appears. Click OK to stop the deal or Cancel to discard the action.
- Once confirmed, the deal’s status is changed to Paused. A notification message appears at the top-right corner of the Deal Dashboard page, confirming that your deal was successfully paused.
Editing a Deal
Follow these steps to edit the deal settings:
- In the Actions column, click the icon for the deal you wish to edit.
- You will be redirected to the Edit Deal page. Update the desired settings and targeting options. For more details on editing a deal, see the Editing a Deal section.
Troubleshooting a Deal
Follow these steps to troubleshoot a deal:
- Navigate to the list of active deals you wish to troubleshoot.
- In the Actions column, click the icon for the deal you wish to troubleshoot.
- You will be redirected to the Deal Troubleshooting page for that specific deal, allowing you real-time insights and tools for managing active deals effectively. For more information, see the Troubleshooting deal from Action column.
Managing your Account Profile
The Account Profile section provides you quick access to various settings and actions related to your account profile. This section is typically located in the upper right corner of the Deal Portal, represented by your name or profile icon.
User Account
When you hover over your user account, the following options are displayed:
- Switch Accounts: Quickly switch between accounts you have access to within the Deal Portal. You can choose your desired buyer account from a list and save the selection. For more information, see the Switching Accounts section.
- Documentation: Access official documentation and User Guide for assistance with navigating to the Deal Portal.
- User Settings: Access and manage your account profile settings. For more information on User Setting, see the User Settings section.
- Sign Out: Securely log out of your account in the Deal Portal.
Switching Accounts
Accessing Switch Accounts
To access the Switch Accounts option, follow these steps:
- After logging into the Deal Portal, you will see the Switch Accounts option on the top-left side of the navigation menu.
Access Switch Accounts (Top-Left view)
- Alternatively, click your account profile in the top-right corner to access the Switch Accounts option.
Access Switch Accounts (Top-Right view)
Managing Switch Accounts page
The Switch Accounts page appears when you select the Switch Accounts option from the profile dropdown menu. This page allows you to view and access multiple buyer accounts and their respective deals.
Switch Accounts page
The Switch Accounts page provides the following functionalities:
- View available buyer accounts
- Search for specific buyer accounts
- Switch to a desired account
Viewing available Account
You can view a list of buyer accounts assigned to you.
View available buyer accounts
Searching for an Account
To quickly find a specific buyer account, follow these steps:
- Click on the search bar and type the buyer account name either full or partial.
Search buyer account by full or partial name
- As you type, the list will filter to show a matching buyer account name. To return to the full list, clear the text from the search bar. For example, typing Test buyer in the search bar will show accounts like Test buyer, Test buyer2, or other similar matching names.
Filtered buyer account by name
Switching to your Account
To switch to a desired buyer account, follow these steps:
- Select your buyer account name.
Select a buyer account
- Click Save to confirm your selection.
Select a buyer account
- You will be redirected to the Deal Portal Dashboard for the selected buyer account.
Deal Portal Dashboard
User Settings
This section allows you to view and manage your personal information, including your name, email and password.
The following personal information is displayed on the User Settings page:
Field | Description | Note |
Name | The user’s full name registered with the account. | The Name field can be modified |
The email associated with the account. | The Email field can only be viewed, but cannot be modified. | |
Password | A secured password for account access. | The Password field can be modified and changed. |
Accessing User Settings
To access the User Settings page, follow these steps:
- Navigate to your user account profile in the top-right corner.
- Select User Settings from the dropdown menu, or access it through the left navigation panel.
User Settings
Managing User Settings page
To view and update your personal information, follow these steps:
- View Existing Information
- On the User Settings page, you can review your Name and Email displayed at the top of the page.
User Settings page
- Update Name:
- Click the Edit button next to the Name field.
- Enter your updated first and/or last name.
- Click Save to confirm your changes or Cancel to discard them.
Edit Name
- Update Password::
- Click the Edit button next to the Password field.
- Enter your current password.
- Enter your new password and confirm it by re-entering the same password.
- Click Save to apply your new password or Cancel to discard the changes.
Edit Password
Creating a Deal
The section will guide you through the steps needed to create a deal within a Deal Portal application.
Here is what this section covers:
Before creating a deal, ensure the following requirements are met:
- You have a registered user account and buyer account
See Registering your User Account
- You are logged into the Deal Portal.
See Logging into the Deal Portal
Accessing the Create Deal Page
To access the Create Deal page, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Deal Dashboard page and find the Create New Deal button on the right side of the page, above the Deal Table.
- Click the Create New Deal button to open the Create New Deal page to begin setting up your deal.
The Deal Portal allows you to create a new deal for an ad campaign. The Deal Settings is essential workflow for creating a new deal within the Deal Portal. However, other workflows include Price Settings and Deal Reporting Label options, which help further customize and track your deal.
Workflow for Creating Deal
The section provides workflows for various Deal Settings options in the Deal Portal, including:
- Workflow for Deal Settings
- Workflow for Price Settings
- Workflow for Deal Reporting Labels
- Workflow for Saving Deal Setting
Deal Settings
In the Create Deal page, the Deal Settings is the first section in the deal creation process. In this section, Only the Deal Name, DSP, and Verve Marketplace Deal ID fields are required; all other fields are optional. For the Deal Settings field definition, see the Data Dictionary for Deal Settings section.
Deal Settings
Deal Settings
- Deal Type:
- The Deal Type dropdown shows “Open Deal” by default and is auto-populated based on the Deal Portal. More deal types will be available In the future.
- Deal Name (Required):
- Enter a unique deal name in the Deal Name textfield.
- Description (Optional):
- Enter a description for your deal in the Description textfield.
- Verve Marketplace Deal ID:
- The Verve Marketplace Deal ID is automatically generated and is not editable
- Advertiser (Optional):
- From the Advertiser dropdown menu, click to select the advertiser associated with the deal.
- Add Advertiser Name (Optional):
- If your advertiser name is not listed, select Others from the Advertiser drop down menu and then use the Add Advertiser Name field to input a new advertiser.
- DSP (Required):
- From the Demand Side Platform (DSP) dropdown menu, click to select a Demand Side Platform (DSP)associated with the account.
- This field is mandatory and displays the available DSP in alphabetical order.
- Select Seat (Optional):
- From the Select Seat dropdown menu, click to select a seat which is limited to those associated with the selected DSP and buyer.
- Time Zone (Optional):
- Select a time zone from a list of global time zones.
- Start Date (Optional):
- Click the date picker to select the start date for the deal. If no start date is selected, the default will be the date the deal is set live. You may select a start date without an end date. The start date can be the current date or a future date, but cannot be set in the past.
- End Date (Optional):
- Click the date picker to select the end date for the deal. The time is selected in a 24-hours format.
- The end date can be the current date or any future date but cannot be set in the past date.
- If you do not select an end date, the system defaults to the date the deal was paused.
- Your deal can have an end date even if no start date is provided.
Price Settings
In the Create Deal page, the Price Settings is the next section in the deal creation process. All the fields are optional. For the Price Settings field details, see the [Data Dictionary for Price Settings] section.
Follow these steps in the Price Settings section:
Price Settings
Price Settings
- From the Price Model dropdown menu, click to select from following available options:
- Min Price (Default)
- Fixed Price
- eCPM (Optional)
- Use the up/down arrows to increment or decrement the eCPM value in currency format. Alternatively, you can enter the desired eCPM value in currency format.
Deal Reporting Labels
In the Deal Reporting Labels section, all the fields are optional. For the Deal Reporting Labels fields details, see the Data Definition for Deal Reporting Labels section.
Deal Reporting Labels
Deal Reporting Labels
- Sales Person (Optional):
- From the Sales Person dropdown menu, Click to select the salesperson responsible for the deal.
- Trafficker (Optional):
- From the Trafficker dropdown menu, click to select the appropriate trafficker responsible for managing the deal.
Saving Deal Settings
To ensure the successful creation of a deal, make sure all required fields in the Create Deal page are filled out. For example, in the Deal Settings section, confirm that details such as the Deal Name and DSP are properly filled and selected.
- Click the Save and Continue button to save your deal setting details.
- After saving, you will automatically be redirected to the Targeting section of the workflow.
Last Modified: January 6, 2025 at 2:58 pm