Managing your Account Profile

Table of Contents


The Account Profile section provides you quick access to various settings and actions related to your account profile. This section is typically located in the upper right corner of the Deal Portal, represented by your name or profile icon.

User Account

User Account

When you hover over your user account, the following options are displayed:

  • Switch Accounts: Quickly switch between accounts you have access to within the Deal Portal. You can choose your desired buyer account from a list and save the selection. For more information, see the Switching Accounts section.
  • Documentation: Access official documentation and User Guide for assistance with navigating to the Deal Portal.
  • User Settings: Access and manage your account profile settings. For more information on User Setting, see the User Settings section.
  • Sign Out: Securely log out of your account in the Deal Portal.

Switching Accounts

Accessing Switch Accounts

To access the Switch Accounts option, follow these steps:

  1. After logging into the Deal Portal, you will see the Switch Accounts option on the top-left side of the navigation menu.
User Account

Access Switch Accounts (Top-Left view)

  1. Alternatively, click your account profile in the top-right corner to access the Switch Accounts option.
Access Switch Accounts (Top-Right view)

Access Switch Accounts (Top-Right view)

Managing Switch Accounts

The Switch Accounts page appears when you select the Switch Accounts option from the profile dropdown menu. This page allows you to view and access multiple buyer accounts and their respective deals.

Switch Accounts page

Switch Accounts page

The Switch Accounts page provides the following functionalities:

  • View available buyer accounts
  • Search for specific buyer accounts
  • Switch to a desired account

Viewing available Account

You can view a list of buyer accounts assigned to you.

View available buyer accounts

View available buyer accounts

Searching for an Account

To quickly find a specific buyer account, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the search bar and type the buyer account name either full or partial.
Search buyer account by full or partial name

Search buyer account by full or partial name

  1. As you type, the list will filter to show a matching buyer account name. To return to the full list, clear the text from the search bar. For example, typing Test buyer in the search bar will show accounts like Test buyer, Test buyer2, or other similar matching names.

Filtered buyer account by name

Filtered buyer account by name

Switching to your Account

To switch to a desired buyer account, follow these steps:

  1. Select your buyer account name.

Select a buyer account

Select a buyer account

  1. Click Save to confirm your selection.

Save your confirmation

Select a buyer account

  1. You will be redirected to the Deal Portal Dashboard for the selected buyer account.


Deal Portal Dashboard

User Settings

This section allows you to view and manage your personal information, including your name, email and password.

The following personal information is displayed on the User Settings page:

Field Description Note
Name The user’s full name registered with the account. The Name field can be modified
Email The email associated with the account. The Email field can only be viewed, but cannot be modified.
Password A secured password for account access. The Password field can be modified and changed.

Accessing User Settings

To access the User Settings page, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your user account profile in the top-right corner.
  1. Select User Settings from the dropdown menu, or access it through the left navigation panel.

Managing User Setting

User Settings

Managing User Settings page

To view and update your personal information, follow these steps:

  1. View Existing Information
  • On the User Settings page, you can review your Name and Email displayed at the top of the page.
User Settings page

User Settings page

  1. Update Name:
  • Click the Edit button next to the Name field.
  • Enter your updated first and/or last name.
  • Click Save to confirm your changes or  Cancel to discard them.

Edit Name

  1. Update Password:
  • Click the Edit button next to the Password field.
  • Enter your current password.
  • Enter your new password and confirm it by re-entering the same password.
  • Click Save to apply your new password or Cancel to discard the changes.

Edit Password

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Last Modified: January 16, 2025 at 4:08 pm