Getting Started with Deal Portal Guide
The guide provides a step-by-step guide to navigate and use the Verve’s Deal Portal application efficiently. The guide will cover essential features such as switching accounts, managing deals, creating new deals, and configuring deals with proper settings. The guide will cover the following seven main sections:
Section Name | Description |
Getting Started | The Getting Started section serves as an essential introduction for new users of the Deal Portal application. This section will guide you through the initial steps required to set up your account, log in to the Deal Portal, access your dashboard, manage your account, and configure user settings. For more information, see the Getting Started section. |
Creating a Deal | The Creating a Deal section provides detailed guidance on how to navigate the Create Deal page and the workflow for creating new deals within the Deal Portal. This section will walk you through each step of the deal creation process, ensuring you understand all necessary parameters and options. For more information, see the Creating a Deal section. |
Setting Deal Targeting | The Setting Deal Targeting section provides a detailed guide on managing targeting options within the Deal Portal’s Edit Deal page, covering various parameters such as ad format, device types, geography, audience segments, inventory, video signals, and performance metrics to optimize ad campaigns. Each section includes step-by-step instructions for setting up and customizing these targeting options to ensure ads reach the desired audience effectively. For more information, see the Setting Deal Targeting section. |
Summary | The Summary section provides the Summary section of a deal setup process, detailing how it consolidates deal and targeting settings, including deal type, pricing, audience targeting, and saving options, to ensure correct configuration before finalizing the deal. For more information, see the Summary section. |
Editing a Deal | The Editing a Deal section provides detailed guidance on how to navigate the Edit Deal page and the workflow for editing a deal within the Deal Portal. This section will walk you through the step of the deal edit process, ensuring you understand all necessary parameter and option you can review and update after the creation of deal. For more information, see the Editing a Deal section. |
Appendix | The Appendix section provides a glossary of terms related to the Verve Marketplace and provides various bulk upload templates for managing deals based on zip codes, geo-fencing, bundles, apps, ad spaces, and OTT/ad breaks, each requiring specific information to be filled out before uploading to the Deal Portal. For more information, see the Appendix section. |
Last Modified: January 7, 2025 at 2:08 pm